![]() e-mail: sundy76@yahoo.com |
My name is Nedyalko Katrandzhiev. I was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1976.
I am Professor at University of Food Technologies, Department of Computer Systems and Technologies.
I am interested and I have experience in:
- Nondestructive Optical Methods for Fruit Quality Assessment;
- Potatoes, Apples and Peaches Assessment;
- "Seeing Through Layers" (STL);
- Fruit Ripeness Determination by Electronic Sensing of Aromatic Volatiles;
- Color assessment;
- Intelligent Systems;
- Automatic Machines for Quality Assortment of Fruit Products;
- Machines For On-line Inspection;
- High Speed Machines for Vision Inspection;
- Sensory Systems for an Electronic Nose;
- Science and Research;
- Higher Mathematics, Computerization, Chemometrics, Statistics, Classification, Prediction;
- and all for Quality Detection in Fruit, Vegetables and Food at all....;
and also:
- WEB programming;
- Computer Graphics and Design;
- Publishing, Advertisement ...;
- Electronics;
- PCB, CAD, WEB, Graphical Design;
- Automation, PID, Adaptive Control, ANN (Artificial Neural Network), Fuzzy Logics ...;
- Network Administration, TCP/IP, Internet ...;
- Troubleshooting software and hardware problems for single and corporate users;
- Audio & Video Editor ...;
- Software & Hardware Test and Development;
I participated (2002-2005 year) in an international project funded by The European Commission under
the thematic programme "Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources"
at Institute of Horticulture and Canned Foods (IHCF).
"Non-Destructive NIR Technology for Fruits and Vegetables
Internal Quality Assessment, eliminating
the skin disturbing effect"
= QLK1-2000-00455 =
Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3
The Project Partners:
- Institute of Horticulture and Canned Foods - Coordinator (Bulgaria)
- Campden&Chorleywood Food Research Association (United Kingdom)
- Technical Research Center of Finland - VTT Electronics (Finland)
- INDEX-6 Production of Machines for Canning Industry (Bulgaria)
Part of the software programmes I work with are:
- DOS (all ver.), Windows
(all ver.), Windows NT (all ver.), Windows XP (all ver.), UNIX, Linux ...;
- Anti-Virus Protection ...;
- Microsoft Office
(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access);
- CorelDraw!, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PhotoShop
, Adobe PageMaker
, Adobe InDesign, Streamline ...;
- MatLAB, MathCAD, Maple, The Unscrambler, LabVIEW, ProtelDesign,
OrCAD, MsimDesign, AutoCAD ...;
- Cool Edit (ADOBE Audition), 3D Studio ...;
- Flash, Dreamweaver, AOLpress, FrontPage Express, Gif Animators ...;
- Eudora Light, Copernic, WinRoute, WinGate, Teleport Pro ...;
- and many others ...;
- certificated courses:
Windows, Microsoft Office, Computer Graphics and Design, Adobe PageMaker, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, AutoCAD, Autodesk Factory Design Suite...
Microsoft - Adding Style with CSS
Microsoft - JavaScript Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners
Microsoft - Getting Started with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start
Microsoft - Security Fundamentals
Microsoft - How to Debug a Website with Internet Explorer F12 Tools
Microsoft - Deploying Office 2013 with App-V
Microsoft - Quick Start Challenge: HTML5 Portability Challenge
Microsoft - HTML5 & CSS3 Fundamentals
... other certificated courses:
Radio-Location; TV, Audio&Video Repair; Chemometric ...
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Secondary school:
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Maslinkov I. M., S. B. Vladimirov, I. G. Klecharov, N. T. Katrandzhiev,
Teeth duct length determing sound device,
University of Food Technology - UFT (former The Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industry - HIFFI), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1997;
Katrandzhiev N., Ch. Damyanov (Tutor), A. Georgiev (Reviewer),
Automation on sorting process of foodstuffs
(University Graduation Work), University of Food Technology - UFT (former The Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industry - HIFFI), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2000;
Chalucova, R., G. Krivoshiev, Y. Gegov, V. Kalinov, P. Bojilov, A. Lungov,
V. Slavchev, V. Fidanchev, N. Katrandzhiev,
New technology for precise assessment of fruits and vegetables internal quality,
Innovation Workshop Flair-Flow Europe 4 – "Advanced sensor devices for on-line monitoring of food quality", Sofia, 2 November 2002;
Krivoshiev G., R. Chalucova, P. Bojilov, A. Lyungov, V. Slavchev, V. Fidanchev, N. Katrandzhiev,
An intelligent sensor for precise sorting of potatoes by internal defects,
Innovation Workshop Flair-Flow Europe 4 – "Advanced sensor devices for on-line monitoring of food quality", Sofia, 2 November 2002;
Katrandzhiev N., G. Krivoshiev,
Models of Internal Spectral Transmittance of potato tubers for Precise Non-destructive Recognition of the their Internal Quality
, 10th Jubilee Youth Scientist Scientific-Practical Session on the occasion of the 110 anniversary of Bulgarian Engineers and Architects Society (BEAS), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003;
Katrandzhiev N., R. Chalucova, G. Krivoshiev, P. Bozhilov, A. Lyungov,
The Nondestructive Assessment of the Potatoes Internal Quality by Using the Method "Seeing Through Layers" (STL)
, "ELECTRONICS ET'2003, Sozopol, Bulgaria;
G. Krivoshiev, R. Chalucova, P. Bojilov, A. Lyungov, N. Katrandzhiev, M. Kansakoski,
Conveyor System for the Precise Determination of Internal Diseases and Defects in Potato Tubers – NIQAT,
Fifth European Symposium on Near InfraRed (NIR) Spectroscopy, Comwell, Kolding, Denmark, 15th-17th September 2003;
prof. dr. sci. Georgi Krivoshiev, dr. Raina Chalucova, eng. Nedyalko Katrandzhiev,
Assessing internal quality of fruit and vegetables,
New Food, issue 1, p.23-26, ISSN 1461-4642, United Kingdon, 2004;
G. Krivoshiev, R. Chalucova, A. Liungov, P. Bojilov, N. Katrandzhiev,
New Technology for Potatoes Sorting,
12th International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC), Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, USA, August 8-13, 2004;
I. Maslinkov, N. Katrandzhiev,
Correcting the signals from scanning of falling fruit and vegetables through a photometric camera,
University of Food Technology - UFT (former The Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industry - HIFFI), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Octomber 27-29, 2004;
Katrandzhiev Nedyalko Ph.D.,
Dissertation: Optoelectronic system for precise sorting of potato tubers by using the method "Seeing Through Layers", 2005
Supervisor: Raina Chalucova and Ivan Maslinkov,
Consultant: prof. Dr. Sci. Georgi Krivoshiev,
Reviewers: prof. Dr. Sci. Nikola Kolev and prof. Dr. Sci. Zhivko Zhelezov;
Chalucova Raina, Georgi Krivoshiev, Nedyalko Katrandzhiev,
Application of spectrometry and colorimetry for assessment of fruits and vegetables in Bulgaria,
International House of Scientists "Frederic Jolio Curie", p.52-56, Varna, 29-31.05. 2006;
Nedyalko Katrandzhiev,
Algorithm for correction of primary spectrometric data,
ELECTRONICS - ET 2007", Sozopol, Bulgaria, p.105-110, September 19-21, 2007;
Nedyalko Katrandzhiev,
Research and development of the companies running sorting machines,
University of Food Technology - UFT (former The Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industry - HIFFI), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Octomber, 2007;
Nedyalko Katrandzhiev,
Reflection analysing of different materials in order reducing of the inner reflection in the Reflectance opto-electronic system,
University of Food Technology - UFT (former The Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industry - HIFFI), Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Octomber, 2007;
Katrandzhiev N., G. Krivoshiev, R. Chalucova,
Non-destructive sorting of potatoes,
8-th international conference of food physicists physics and physical chemistry of food, Budapest, Hungary, 2009;
Пламен Никовски, Недялко Катранджиев,
Моделиране на фазово-константен елемент в PSPICE симулационнa среди,
Научна конференция с международно участие "Хранителна наука, техника и технологии 2009",
Научни трудове УХТ - Пловдив, Том LVI, Свитък 2, 23-24.10.2009;
Недялко Катранджиев,
Изследване влиянието на захранващото напрежение на халогенният прожектор върху сигналите в оптоелектронната система NIQAT01Lab,
(Research over the influence of the power supply pressure of the halogen lamp to the signals of the optoelectronic system NIQAT01Lab),
Списание "Хранителна наука, техника и технологии", бр.1, 2011;
Недялко Катранджиев,
Предсказване на вътрешната пропускливост на праскови,
НВУ "Васил Левски", ISSN 1314-1937, Том 6, стр. 146-153, В. Търново;
Недялко Катранджиев,
Прилагане на метода "Виждане през слоеве" за виртуално обелване на праскови,
НВУ "Васил Левски", ISSN 1314-1937, Том 6, стр. 154-159, В. Търново;
Недялко Катранджиев,
WEB базирана информационна система с база данни за обслужване на търговска фирма,
НВУ "Васил Левски", ISSN 1314-1937, Том 6, стр. 160-165, В. Търново;
Недялко Катранджиев,
Измерване пропуснатата/излъчена енергия при осветяване на ябълки и картофи,
Списание "Хранителна наука, техника и технологии", ISSN 1314-3913, Том 2, 2011;
Недялко Катранджиев, Атанас Ников, Лилко Доспатлиев,
Сайт за обучение по CorelDRAW,
Научна конференция с международно участие "Хранителна наука, техника и технологии 2011",
Научни трудове УХТ - Пловдив, Том LVIII, Свитък 3, 211-216, 10.2011;
Недялко Катранджиев, Катя Кошлукова, Лилко Доспатлиев,
Сайт за обучение по Photoshop,
Научна конференция с международно участие "Хранителна наука, техника и технологии 2011",
Научни трудове УХТ - Пловдив, Том LVIII, Свитък 3, 217-222, 10.2011;
Katrandzhiev N.,
Prediction of apples' internal transmittance - utopia or a reality?,
Physics - Research - Applications - Education 2011, Nitra, Slovakia, 13-14.10.2011;
Katrandzhiev N.,
Implementation of the "Seeing Through Layers" (STL) method for Apples Categorizing,
Physics - Research - Applications - Education 2011, Nitra, Slovakia, 13-14.10.2011;
Митева Ц., Калева В., Рангелова М., Стоянова Д., Мануилова К., Стоянова А., Костова Д., Костова С., Чакъров И., Георгиева Р., Катранджиев Н., Стефанов Р.,
Национален регистър на пациенти с таласемия в България - резултати, отчетени към юни 2011 г.,
Сборник с доклади от Втората национална конференция за редки болести, Пловдив, 09-11.09.2011;
Dospatliev L., Kostadinov K., Mihaylova G., Katrandzhiev N.,
Determination of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd and Ni) in eggplant,
International journal "Trakia Journal of Sciences", ISSN (print): 1312-1723, ISSN (online): 1313-3551, 2011;
Петрова Г., Митева Ц., Катранджиев Н.,
Приложение на компютърните симулации в медицинското образование,
"Иновационни практики в образованието" - Научно-практическа конференция, ЮЗУ "Неофит Рилски", Благоевград, 9-10.12.2011;
Никовски П., Маслинков И., Динков Х., Катранджиев Н., Василев Р.,
Подобрен модел на фазово-константен елемент в PSpice базиран на апроксимацията на Oustaloup,
"UNITECH - 2011", International Scientific Conference, 18 – 19 November 2011, Gabrovo;
Петров Б., Катранджиев Н.,
Mикропроцесорен брояч с оптичен вход,
"UNITECH - 2011", International Scientific Conference, 18 – 19 November 2011, Gabrovo;
Иларионов Р., Симеонов И., Петров Б., Катранджиев Н.,
Интелигентен индукционен сензор,
"UNITECH - 2011", International Scientific Conference, 18 – 19 November 2011, Gabrovo;
Босакова-Арденска Ат., Недялко Катранджиев,
Влияние на начина за определяне на медианата върху бързодействието на алгоритъма за бърза сортировка (Quick Sort),
Списание "Хранителна наука, техника и технологии", ISSN 1314-3913, Том 3, 2011;
Ганчовска Вл., Костадинова Л., Недялко Катранджиев,
Цветови класификатор за анализ на сирене на базата на NI Vision Assistant,
Списание "Хранителна наука, техника и технологии", ISSN 1314-3913, Том 3, 2011.
Textbooks and teaching aids / Учебници и учебни пособия:
Катранджиев Н., Н. Шопов,
Програмиране на С/С++ в примери, ISBN 978-954-24-0179-7, Академично издателство на УХТ - Пловдив, 2011;
Катранджиев Н., Ганчовска Вл.,
Word & Excel за начинаещи и напреднали, ISBN 978-954-561-418-7, Макрос, 2017;
Катранджиев Н.,
HTML5, CSS3 и JavaScript в примери, ISBN 978-954-561-489-7, Макрос, 2019;
Катранджиев Н.,
Актуално приложение на уеб базирани платформи и системи - модел за управление на електронно обучение чрез мини компоненти със съдържание, ISBN 978-954-561-490-3, с. 206, Макрос, 2019;
Катранджиев Н., Атанас Ников, Лилко Доспатлиев,
Сайт за ел. обучение по Компютърна графика и дизайн I част (CorelDRAW);
Катранджиев Н., Катя Кошлукова, Лилко Доспатлиев,
Сайт за ел. обучение по Компютърна графика и дизайн II част (Photoshop).
If you want, contact me at:
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Yahoo msg: sundy76 |
MSN: nedyalko76 |